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JF Ossan
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08-14-2009, 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
Koir, thanks.
So, Christians believe that you don’t have any previous lives. I see.

I have a question.
Can you visit shrines of other religions and pray something there?
I believe Christianity is a monotheistic religion. Can you pray in front of other gods?
Many tourists from foreign countries visit shrines in Japan, and they pray something there. Many of them seem to be Christians. Is that no problems?
Very strict, hardcore Christians wouldn't probably do it, but those types don't tend to travel to Japan. Many Americans identify themselves as Christian, but don't go to church weekly, or do anything special outside of holidays like Christmas and Easter. These types of people would have no problem visiting a shrine or temple and ring the bell, etc. This is the majority of visitors that go to Japan.
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