Originally Posted by forgotenmemory
*slow clap*
LMAO. -Follows the slow clap-
Anyway, everyone who is giving you advice is probably right.
There is no problem in having a fascination with Japan, but, without being there... can you really say that it is better than America? America (besides its economical downward spiral) is not that bad. America is a suitable and safe place to be in, than other countries which are in constant poverty and military dictatorship/civil warfare.
Maybe... just maybe your parents want you to appreciate the country you live in a bit more, rather than being a patriot to a country you have not lived in. You don't have to wear an American flag t-shirt, but just be a little bit more grateful for the things you have around yourself.
As for religion... um. Good luck, buddy. All I can say is, just nod your head or, tell your parents that you would acknowledge Christianity, but you are not too sure if you want to commit to it. (say that you're confused... it might work. XD)
Your parents can not make you think the way they want you to think. I am sure your parents know that, but are still attempting to mold you anyway.
So! My best advice is keep some of your opinions to yourself; your parents already have one way of thinking. I don't think you being vocal about your views would change their perception. So knowing that its a stalemate battle, just abide by their rules until you leave... or get kicked out?