Originally Posted by mercedesjin
In USA culture, "negro" is racist. The words "negroid", "mongloid", and "caucasian" are racist. The term "negroid" was used to define a race of people across the world, people who are inferior simply because of their physical characteristics. Same with "mongloid." "Caucasian" on the other hand... well, here's an article:
Caucasian is a Dirty Word.
Of course these words are racist, they are used to identify races. Later people changed to use other words to describe these races. As far as negroid, who said this was used to identify the race as inferior? God? If God didn't then it was another man. If you are willing to let another man say your race is inferior and accept it, then you have done exactly what he wanted you to, feel inferior. This all goes back to only you can allow yourself to feel about anything how you allow it. I think you allow yourself to feel this way and then come on here trying to validate those feelings. When people on here argue with you about it, in your head you are saying to yourself "I knew they were this way!". This seems to be a vicious cycle since your post always seem to revert back to racial issues (or sexual ones).
I have been called Caucasian, white, Hispanic, Mexican-American, Chicano, etc., but no one word defines me nor do I allow them to hurt me because I know who I am.