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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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08-14-2009, 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by kushmirc View Post
I'm still a student, but I'm hoping that someday I will be able to work in Japan. I have a friend that said that the best way would be to work with an American company that has locations there.
My question is that if an Accountant works for a company with branches in a foreign country, would we necessarily be able to re-locate to that country? Or would all the accounting work for that branch still simply be done at home (in the U.S.), what do you think?
Depends on the company. I think the chances of being hired in the US on a Monday and being put on a plane for your accounting job in Tokyo on Tuesday are slim and none. Either you would be transferred after a long stint in your American office or the Japan office would advertise for accountants in Japan (English speaking Japanese or foreigners already living in Japan).

I would go for the JET Program or some other English teaching gig.
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