Thread: The N-Word
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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08-14-2009, 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by Zagato289 View Post
I dont see anything wrong about the word negro. its just the spanish word for black. I know that the word was and still use sometimes for racism in the US. Just because its use as rasism in the US doesnt mean that it also only used only as racism in other countries. Thats something that some black people dont get when they travel to spanish speaking countries. What I dont get is the word nigger O_o. wtf is that. I guess its just a word racist white people invented time ago cause they couldnt pronouced the word negro.

The word nigger is still use today, and more by black people even though it was the racist word used towards them. What gets me mad is that its alright for them to call each other nigger, but not alright for others to call them that. If they want to be serious and respected they should just stop calling themselves that. In my opinion, the word nigger and other kinds of racist word should just disappear for ever. They should just stop saying them in moves,music,etc.
Yeah, that's something interesting I learned earlier with Tenchu's case. When on an international forum like this or any other international situation, that's something to keep in mind. American culture/history can't always be applied to different words and terms.

I also get pretty angry whenever I hear anyone use the word "nigger." It's just hypocritical. I'll hear someone debate about racial politics and STILL refer to one another as "nigger." Then, as soon as someone else uses it, they get pissed off. It's something I can't stand. :/

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