Thread: The N-Word
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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08-14-2009, 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by Megabyte117 View Post
I highly doubt most people see the word "Caucasian" as implying "superiority".
That's why people should learn the history of these racist words. We don't know because we came from a racist society. We're now trying to come together as one people, but there are still ancient, racist ways blocking that from happening. These words are just one example.

You know what it means now. Are you still going to use it?

I'm not going to judge you negatively if you decide to still use it. I think it's kind of hard to let go of these sorts of things. When you've been raised your entire life to say "caucasian," that's kind of just stripping away at everything you know. That's how I felt when I found out that Disney was racist. I LOVE Disney movies. They're still my favorite, even after I learned that he was racist. That's one thing that I can't let go of, even after learning more about him.

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