Originally Posted by iPhantom
2nd, many of you call emptiness the same as nothingness. Emptiness is proven to be able to change its form based on certain reactions. You can't create anything from nothingness, no human ever witnessed such a thing, and there is no basis to say that nothingness exists. Therefore it's safe to make a theory that the universe always existed, in different forms, and the big bang is the one who made it expand to what it is today.
Can you explain what your definitions of nothingness and emptiness are? You're saying that they're two different things, but I don't really get what this difference is.
Are you talking about a vacuum?
And also, you said:"Therefore it's safe to make a theory that the universe always existed, in different forms, and the big bang is the one who made it expand to what it is today."
Aren't you contradicting yourself there?
If the universe always existed, then there was no big bang to begin with. The bouncing universe theory doesn't rely on a big bang taking place, because the universe ALWAYS existed. There's no need for a big bang to start the universe if the universe has no start.
Originally Posted by MissMisa
Thinking about this really hurts my head. You kind of get that feeling of not being able to comprehend something, and that feeling that people describe as being very small. Like a spec on a huge universe.
I can't understand infinity because nothing in my world is infinite. People say that numbers and such are infinite but such things are not physical.
haha, I know what you mean. We really are insignificant though. Not only in size, but also time. The universe is presumed to have existed for about 14 billion years. (if you don't believe in that bounce theory) "Anatomically modern humans" have been around for about 200 000 years. Even if we live for another 3 billion years (I chose 3 billion cause at that point in time the milky way will collide with another galaxy and pretty much destroy all life lol) we will still only have existed for a small fraction of time (in relation to how long the universe will exist).
We really are a spec on a huge universe.