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JustinATTACK (Offline)
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08-14-2009, 11:08 PM

The "Everything Theory" and also the "String Theory" are the closest Theories to the truth about the begining of the universe.

Hawkings is about to test the everything theory, and if it is proven will change the way we look at the universe.

The only problem with his theory is that when a black hole dies, it expands. Which would create the universe. But after it expands it is sucked back into itself, Which would also destroy the newly made universe.

This is were the string theory comes into play. By pulling the excess gravity into other dimensions, it allows the universe to stay. and the black hole dies, without sucking everything back into itself.

While neither of these theories is completely right, and they both have many problems to figure out before they can be proven, they are truly the closest thing to the truth that you are likely to find.

It will probably a combination of the two theories that will truly answer all the questions that we have about the universe.

For more information on either theory, check out these links.
( I highly recommend this, My explanation is sketchy at best.)

Theory of everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Know the smallest things and the biggest things, the shallowest things and the deepest things. As if it were a straight road mapped out on the ground ... These things cannot be explained in detail. From one thing, know ten thousand things. When you attain the Way of strategy there will not be one thing you cannot see. You must study hard." Miyamoto Musashi