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08-15-2009, 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by RKitagawa
I didn't mean it in a negative way btw. I actually think agnosticism is a pretty logical view of the world.
And, I think we have our definitions of agnostic mixed up. The agnostic I was thinking of doesn't believe in God either. It's simply the the view that all this stuff we're talking about is unknown.
" the Big Bang theory is just that. I do not believe in it, nor do I dis-believe it. Until it has been proven, it is still a theory."
that's what made me link you with agnosticism. Anything that hasn't been proven = unknown, U don't believe it or disbelieve it. Including God.
lol, sorry if I offended you or anything though, didn't mean it.
I apologise if I sounded rude. I am irked by people who try to label me as agnostics, since I personally find them the "cowards" of the thinking world.
"God doesn't exist!"
"You're gonna burn in hell."
"I mean, I'm not sure what to believe."
It's mainly used as some sort of get out of jail free card.
As for the quote, let me quickly explain something about my view on this world.
Everywhere in the world, in even the tiniest of cracks of the places that have never been explored, there exists only one thing. Knowledge. It is everywhere.
This knowledge is then split into two simple groups.
It's a pretty self explanatory, I know. Theories include philosophical theories, conspiracies, religion and the sort.
Facts include, pure hardcore facts.
Even this view, is a theory.
As a person, you can call me a "Seeker of Knowledge". I am always looking into theories and facts, because I believe knowledge is the true source of power.
Sorry, I rambled. Let me explain what this has got to do with religion. I do not believe in anything. That means, I do not believe in god. That also means that I do not believe in the argument that God might not exist. Since it is a theory.
It's complex and confusing, I know. But the simple explanation, is that I do not believe in anything.
Thus, I am not Agnostic. And thinking about it, I am not either Atheist.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -