Great, just my luck.
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08-15-2009, 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by RKitagawa
That's actually a really cool way of looking at things. So you basically don't believe in anything that isn't a fact, right?
I'm a little confused though. Do you completely disbelieve in all theories, or do you consider theories to be a possible truth?
cause theories are potential facts right? If you dismissed all theories before being able to prove them as truths then you wouldn't ever gain any knowledge really...
Just curious what you think.
Haha, dismissing theories because they are theories would be stupid to do. Theories, have the potential to be facts. I'll give you an example. There is turtle, that lays about hundreds of eggs on a beach. Each egg is a theory.
Only a handful of the baby turtles make it to the water, and then in turn, only a few become fully out grown turtles.
There are millions of theories, many being made up each day. They range from tiny ones, to huge epic ones that could change the course of the world's thinking.
Only a few make it though.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -