Originally Posted by MMM
I think it is probably more ignorance than actual racism, and the image has its roots in imagery that was acceptable many decades ago, but not today. Unfortunately Japan doesn't always keep up with proper etiquette in American race relations, and gaffes like this occur.
Were the games producers intending to show discrimination against blacks with this game? I highly doubt it, so calling it "racist" seems a little over the top. Ignorant? Absolutely.
I think there needs to be some intention for it to be labeled "racist" and I don't see the intention, even if I do see the ignorance.
To me, the idea of racism has been borrowed. Therefore, it's racist.
Remember the hypothetical situation I gave earlier? The child I described didn't know that it was wrong to believe that people of other races were inferior. The child doesn't have the intention of causing others pain. That's simply what the child believes: that it's a fact that others are inferior. That's all.
Now, look at the picture. The Japanese don't know that it's wrong to produce an image such as that. They don't have the intention of causing others pain. They simply believe that it's acceptable to use a picture blackface. That's all.
Both situations, to me, are still racist.