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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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08-15-2009, 02:07 AM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

A theory is a theory. All theories are equal in the truth factor, unless proven to be total facts.

This is why we're at a stalemate in what created the universe. Because at this moment, no one can show proof and facts.
Maybe.. but not all theories are equal in the PROBABILITY of them being true.

Rationally speaking. The theory of the big bang is more probable than the theory of creationism (I'm assuming you agree that the scientific method is the most rational way to investigate a hypothesis). Therefore they are not equal.

Also I find your black and white position regarding true and false to be quite nihilistic if you follow it to it's ultimate conclusion.

Because even so called "truths" are only truths because the probability of them being false is essentially nil (and I'm talking about things like the sky being blue or gravity etc.) and vice versa.