Originally Posted by Salvanas
Haha, dismissing theories because they are theories would be stupid to do. Theories, have the potential to be facts. I'll give you an example. There is turtle, that lays about hundreds of eggs on a beach. Each egg is a theory.
Only a handful of the baby turtles make it to the water, and then in turn, only a few become fully out grown turtles.
There are millions of theories, many being made up each day. They range from tiny ones, to huge epic ones that could change the course of the world's thinking.
Only a few make it though.
The problem with that analogy is that it is implied that all the eggs are considered equal from the outset and that there are only two outcomes for the egg. That they hatch or they die.
In the modern world, theories are constantly modified and tweaked as more evidence is discovered.
Off the top of my head I would say a theory is more like a virus. If it is not eradicated by it's conditions (i.e. incompatibility with the real world) then it evolves.
Your analogy may be better suited to explaining hypotheses.