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Tenchu (Offline)
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08-15-2009, 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by iPhantom View Post
Wrong. Your logic doesn't make sense, because the very first source needs to have something that created it too, thus making it not the source and so it goes into infinity. There is no source to anything. Dirt, fire, water, air, is the result of chemical reactions which made them to be that way, and obviously there was something else before that, and something else before that and so on.

Tell me why something needs to have a source, when not even the 'science' (don't know about what science you are talking) you mention can prove it logically like I did.

Same goes for religious people, if God was the creator, who created God, using the logic everything has a source it goes into an endless course.
But do you know what the very first source even is?

The basic way elements work (and I know it's much deeper than this, but this is the basic concept of the pentagram that represents the deeper thing that is too complex to explain in a symbol) is; fire creates earth (ash, soot, so on), earth creates air (as it releases its good and produces gas), air creates water (as the gases combine and make it rain), water creates void/life (that which has essence; the body is made of things that fall entirly in the other categories; fire and air, earth and water, yet life has spirit, it has essence; it's this same essence that is used to describe existence). So, cycle of life = Void - Fire - Earth - Air - Water - Void.

The cycle of destruction follows the star, not the circle; fire destroys air (burns gas), air destroys life (you know, even though we breath oxygen, it's actually bad for us; the introduction of oxygen into the planet killed 99% of all species at the time; this is why air sealed food lasts longer), life destroys earth (like, plants sucking the vitamins dry from the earth), earth destroys water (dries it up some), water destroys fire (... you get it). So, cycle of destruction = Void - Earth - Water - Fire - Air - Void.

Anyway, this cycle basically includes all things that exist and sums them up simply in five elements. It never ends.

However, each time a new dimension is born, it must have come from the fifth element; the void. There's no other explanation. The dimension can not have been created by any other element, as none can exist without the life/void element, that creates the fire (the big bang) to seed a new dimension ready for existence.

We're all a product of the fifth element; void. To put it simply, we were made by spirit, life, or, as Alan so carefully puts it; God (yet, I don't at all believe the concept in the way religous dudes who go to heaven believe it).

But the idea is, since the body (including the brain) is made entirly of the other four elements, we're perpetually unable to understand the void/Gods power. The only way we connect to it is on the level we have spirit, and elusive essence.

Saying "the source must have had a creator" is fairly niave. That is to say dumbly that you know everything, and can see evey factor that is present. I don't believe for a second you know next to anything about the real way this world works, so I'll stick with my way.

Basically, time is an illusion of the dimension; it's been proven, like gravity, that it's actually a partical thing, rather than just a reality. Time is not real. It does not exist in the way you think it does. Saying, if we go back to the beggining, where there is only the void/God, and then what created that BEFORE, is dumb, because there was no before, there was no time, there was no existence, there was only void/God.

Fact is, when this dimension dies, there will once again be no time... will we ever have even lived?

It seems to me the original source of our existence has fooled us quite well. We, in reality, have never even left its grasp, because time is not real to have taken us anywhere; we're still in "Gods" hands...

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…

Last edited by Tenchu : 08-15-2009 at 04:19 PM.