Thread: The N-Word
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(#356 (permalink))
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dirtyroboto (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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08-15-2009, 03:35 PM

Poland has had a very hard struggle due to its location amid more greedy neighbours and less fortunate contries. Also a very difficult internal history.
Its people are classed as agricultural although is has a very strong history of innovation and manafacture the people are still viewed by the west as pesants.
Poland exports much needed skills and manpower to the west in return for a good days wage, although this has now changed and many polish can now find a good wage at home.

Many polish jews fled from the country to america (less to England) and have made a good life for themselves and their children while still retaining their polish roots. Many western shops now stock a range of polish foods and drinks for the expats.

Poland in my book is a country that has bred many good and strong people and suffered many poor times.

Btw, I am English from dutch decent

Last edited by dirtyroboto : 08-15-2009 at 03:37 PM.