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Shento256 (Offline)
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Posts: 2
Join Date: Aug 2009
Mind Helping me Out? - 08-16-2009, 01:28 AM

Hi i was wondering if anyone who LIVES in JAPAN could help me out ^_^ im looking for some pens from Japan i went there a few years ago and got some as a gift from my late Great Grandmother. unforntuatly i can not find them on the internet anywhere.... i would like to get them again since they remind me of her since they were the last thing from her. if you have any websites taht might have them or would be willing to buy them for me. Of course if you bought them for me i WOULD SEND MONEY FIRST OVER PAYPAL ! they are called Miffy and Melanie they are pens/ markers what ever you like to call them. well any help would be greatly appreciated. ^_^ thanks Shento.
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