Originally Posted by noodle
What are you talking about? Rationally speaking, The Big Bang theory is science fiction at the moment. All modern science(Physics) is NOT rational. It takes a lot of imagination to think up of all the probabilities that make up modern science! How is nothing becoming something more rational than a power creates something? Both are farfetched rationally speaking and neither can be proven using Scientific method.
The Big Bang theory is based on the universe expanding which in turn is based on the doppler effect which in fact is not that conclusive nor is it accurate when studying space!. If it were, they would have been able to tell us something as simple as; in which direction the centre of the universe is 
Yes.. modern science is the product of our imaginations... we just made it all up. *sarcasm*
I'd like you to tell me the method of investigation which is more rational than the scientific method since you seem to believe that science is all made up...
And the hypothesis that nothing became something can be foreseeably tested if humans develop a sufficient understanding of time and space perhaps. Creationism could never be tested because in the minds of the creationists, the inconspicuousness of their creator is merely "not proof of non-existence" (which is completely irrational).
Also I'm not saying that the big bang is true... just that it is a more probable theory than creationism.
Oh and by the way... I'm not emotionally attached to the big bang theory... so it doesn't bother me if a more plausible theory is developed later on when more about our universe is discovered. So please don't come at me as though I made up the theory or I have any sort of investment in the theory.
Furthermore... you're not a scientist. Therefore anything you say about science which you deem irrational I will put down to perhaps your misunderstanding of something in which you are out of your depth.