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Tenchu (Offline)
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08-17-2009, 04:28 AM

Originally Posted by MasaruShin View Post
Interesting video, however no one truly knows the origins of the omniverse. While many theories exist in science and religion, a definite and conclusive answer will not be revealed with such variables of primitive understanding. There are many gray areas in her theory, naturally, as evident in everyone's. Thus the reason it is a "theory", and not a conclusion.
No. It's a fact. The theory is a fact. Just like evolution.

It seems all it takes to discredit something is a single person moral objection. Kind of funny; religous folk or others will sentence a person to death based on less evidence than what we have about the Big Bang or evolution. Ironic.

Originally Posted by MasaruShin View Post
Time never existed however, time is merely a measurement used by humanity for schedules, endpoints, and cycles into their mental "clocks". I enjoyed studying astronomy when I was younger, and still do. Let it be known, that I respect everyone's own point of view. Please do not feel offended with my words. I apologize in advance for any assumed relation of feelings of the above stated.
No, time is as real as soil or rain; how else do you think things manage to progress.

If you're reffering to what I said, I meant time was constructed of physical particles, and the Void element (or, the essence of life) exists independantly of time. So, for a truly awakened being, time is not a factor, it is not real TO THE VOID. But saying it isn't real as a whole is the same as saying water is not real.

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…