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Tenchu (Offline)
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08-17-2009, 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by MasaruShin View Post
Perhaps the wording was misinterpreted. I am indeed sorry. I do agree with your clarification, as time is simply advancement, however we utilize time in a more exaggerated sense of the definition to establish our everyday tasks and followings with the proper accuracy needed to continue successfully. Universally, the word "time" is obsolete. Everything simply advances.
This is philosophy, not science. I kinda appreciate the philosophy you're putting across, but it does not work with science.

Time is literally a physical thing. I think it's closely linked with space (distance) also, which is also a physical thing.

Originally Posted by MasaruShin View Post
As far as the theory being fact, do you merely believe it to be so, or do other factors drive you to your conclusion? Note that I too have read, watched, and discussed this with many individuals, however I would never state that it is fact without 100% validity in determining such to be true. Especially when one can place a date on the universe without actual knowing of its exact moment of conception.
How do you consider something as fact?

I believe my mother is really my mother, but this is only based on evidence. Do I truly know? No, I don't. But, evidence proves it to me. Genetic linking, photographs, similar appearance, so on. All these things are just evidence that form a theory. But she's my mother, that is a fact.

At some stage, evidence and theory become overwhelming, and cannot be denied as fact.

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…

Last edited by Tenchu : 08-17-2009 at 05:12 AM.