Originally Posted by Tenchu
I didn't mess anything up, you're just the one who does not understand it.
All things must have a source. There's no well thought through theory that things have always just existed. If there is, I challenge you to explain it. That is as daft as claiming a pile of dog shit can exist without any dogs around. It pretty much is the same exact thing.
There's only one element that can exist without a source and can exist without a dimension to exist in.
If you want to stand there and ask yourself where eggs came from all day, then answer they came from chickens... which lay more eggs... which make more chickens... so on and so on, you're a bit of an idiot if you don't ask yourself where the first chicken came from... you're even more stupid if you tell yourself it's another egg...
People like you, I don't think they understand the whole product thing; products have producers. There's nothing in this world that does not have a parent element.
If you talk about elements aside the Void (so any particle) existing before the Big Bang, then clearly the Big Bang was not the first moment of creation, and there's another moment you'll be searching to answer what produced these products.
I think the idea that shit has always just existed is thought up by people not very clever. I heard once someone said why can't the planets always just have existed, why do they need to have been created. Pretty daft thing to say. Dirt can only be made by Fire. Thus, one time, there had to be a fire... keep tracing.
I clearly see you haven't understood my explanation that nothing new has or is being produced in this world, everything has existed since humans have been.
Only a dumbass would say shit is a creation of dog. It did not come from nothingness, it was just food transforming. IF you don't supply the food to the dog, he won't shit at all. See? There is no creation, just chemical reactions. This is what the theory that everything has existed says. It's a very solid one tbh, people always say everything needs a source while actually you can't find any real source. To understand this, you need some knowledge on chemistry.
Anyway, I already said my comment on your weird cycle elements. Fire is not an element, what you reading through classic science? We're in 2009 FFS.