Originally Posted by noodle
lol... I'll take that as a compliment (because of my handicap of course  )
And no, I don't have a dull outlook on science. My way of thinking means that I always question things! Therefore, science never gets dull, because we can never truly know everything about science. The more questions you ask, the more answers you will find 
I question things too, Noodle, but I usually eventually arrive at a conclusion.
You say you do here (get answers), but I'm not sure I believe you... just what questions asked have you ever actually answered?
Originally Posted by iPhantom
Only a dumbass would say shit is a creation of dog. It did not come from nothingness, it was just food transforming. IF you don't supply the food to the dog, he won't shit at all. See? There is no creation, just chemical reactions. This is what the theory that everything has existed says. It's a very solid one tbh, people always say everything needs a source while actually you can't find any real source. To understand this, you need some knowledge on chemistry.
I'm not the one who needs knowledge of chemistry. You still don't understand; nothing just magically exists oneday. It needs an explainable source.
If you want to continue this conversation, at least provide a link to your "everything has always existed forever" theory if you can't be fu**ed explaining it yourself.
Originally Posted by iPhantom
Anyway, I already said my comment on your weird cycle elements. Fire is not an element, what you reading through classic science? We're in 2009 FFS.
How does how old my information is effect how true it is? At least my theory can be tried and tested and seen in everything... better than your "the dog shit on my lawn has always been there because I eat food" theory.
Anyway, your statement about Fire not being an element... I don't know where to start laughing...