Originally Posted by noodle
lol... Do you even know what modern Science (Physics) is? Have you ever heard of Quantum Physics or even Quantum Mechanics? I study this at Uni! The only rational part of it all is the maths (and that's if you can get a grasp of it). And for the math to even be applied, you would have needed a HUUUUUUGE imagination to think of what is happening at such a small scale. You CANNOT see anything. You see certain effects from some random experiments, and you put your imagination to work to see what’s happening. Once you have an idea, you think up of tests to prove that your image of what is happening is in fact correct! So, I don’t really get why you’re being sarcastic when you don’t even know what Modern Physics is all about!
Even when studying it and are told what is happening, the majority of people that study this at Uni end up failing because they CANNOT imagine how it could be possible. You’re told to forget all the classical laws of physics. Newton is an idiot when it comes to anything Quantum!
And when did I say Science is all made up? Do you really think I would be wasting my time and money studying Math and Physics at University if I thought it was all made up? I LOVE these two subjects. I love the theories. AND I love that they’re not called facts and that anyone that actually studies these theories will tell you that accepting them as they are now means you’re just stupid! I’ve studied The Big Bang Theory in depth at uni! You probably don’t even know what the Doppler Effect is, do you? If you had any clue about the big bang theory and the Doppler Effect, you’d realise why it’s not conclusive. You could even prove this at a pond near you. Drop a big rock into the pond to show the actual big bang! Then drop another rock further out to show a star or galaxy blowing up… Then tell me what the waves look like and if you could really tell a lot about the big bang from it!
As for The Big Bang theory being more probable than creationism… how does that work? You do realise that they don’t go against each other right? That for example, the majority of religious people do believe in a BIG BANG! The main difference to a lot of people is; what was there before the actual Bang? Was it nothing that exploded, or was it a power that made everything explode? I’d like you to tell me how on earth you think science can prove something like that? Scientists can’t even prove that wind is real! According to the methods of science, you can’t prove it because we only see its effects, not its origin!
To be honest, I don’t even know why I’m talking to you about this. You say I’m not a scientist, but if someone isn’t a scientist when he studies science, then I wonder what you are! You don’t have a clue about the details of a theory (or even Science), yet you argue it!
Haha.. you're so trolling now. I mean you didn't even address my point. You came in and told me that
All modern science(Physics) is NOT rational.
And now you've backtracked to say that you only meant Quantum Physics.
I don't really believe that you study Quantum physics to be honest as you don't really exude the sort of intelligence required...
But whatever it's irrelevant. I'm well aware of the grand proposals based upon the mathematical gymnastics involved in the field. And you never specified Quantum physics.... you said all modern science.
Anyway not only did you backtrack... you said science was not rational. Yet the grand proposals made by Quantum physicists, while far-fetched... are actually rational and are hopefully one day testable. Perhaps you need to look up the meaning of rational in the dictionary (Yeah right! Quantum physicist my ass)
The Big Bang theory is more probable than creationism simply because creationism is improbable to the point where it's simply made up. There is NO evidence to back it up... just speculation based upon outdated and inconsistent literature. Not only that but the theory of creationism has many holes... the biggest one being of course.. who created the creator? In fact creationism is probably the only theory I've heard of that thrives on the
lack of evidence!
And what do you mean scientists can't prove the wind is real! It's a testable phenomena which is observable and explainable.. I don't know how more "proven" you want wind to be!
Wait... let me guess.. you're going to tell me you're a meteorologist as a comeback...