Originally Posted by Koir
To me it isn't, as I have taken Accounting training and could reasonably guess the meaning. Unfortuneately in this case, my arrogance has caused unnecessary confusion. I apologize, Yuri.
Koir, you are not arrogant. One of the reasons for the confusion is that, there aren’t any good Japanese-English dictionaries. And maybe Japanese language is too different from English.
Also, I should have tried harder finding proper words.
See my above explanation. I didn't look up the term myself, and made what turned out to be an incorrect guess as to its meaning.
I see.
A dictionary says “zaisanbossyuu” is “asset forfeiture”. Zaisanbossyuu is a very common word, and every Japanese high school student knows what it means. However, many people don’t know what “asset forfeiture”. This must be a problem of a dictionary. I believe you must have some words which mean zaisanbossyuu.
Your revision is correct. The governement took the assets instead of forcing the company to sell them.
Thank you. I will write “the government took all its assets”. Everyone would understand what this means.
I am truly sorry for all this confusion, Yuri. My arrogance and lack of proper research is to blame.
You don’t need to research anything. You always help me nicely. Thanks a lot, Koir.