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08-17-2009, 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
I'm not the one who needs knowledge of chemistry. You still don't understand; nothing just magically exists oneday. It needs an explainable source.

If you want to continue this conversation, at least provide a link to your "everything has always existed forever" theory if you can't be fu**ed explaining it yourself.
It seems you never had chemistry in your life. You learn it right there in school "nothing is created, nothing is destroyed everything is transformed' for every reaction or anything that has changed in the human history. There are some people like you that try to put some random arguments that everything needs a source while you have nothing to base this on. Isn't that naive?

Oh and the link: Big Bounce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <-- It's a better version of the Big Bang which specifically says that Big Bang wasn't the start but is something which has happened in earlier universes and will happen again. Much more believable than the Big Bang theory which says it was the real start.

How does how old my information is effect how true it is? At least my theory can be tried and tested and seen in everything... better than your "the dog shit on my lawn has always been there because I eat food" theory.

Anyway, your statement about Fire not being an element... I don't know where to start laughing...
Your theory was used during ancient times. Modern science doesn't call fire and element. Go learn what chemical reaction causes fire instead of bringing up fallacies like this.

Here: Astrology and the classical elements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those are your elements, and it's astrology. Do you know what modern science thinks about this rubbish?

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?