Originally Posted by Tenchu
No. It is beyond mine.
Ronin, how are we supposed to understand everything? We've only just turned from monkeys into machine makers almost last night, it seems. You think the evolution process has finished, and you're the direct end result and purpose of 4 billion years of evolution and all beings that exist forever after you will be either your equals or lesser, but none more advanced?
As far as I'm concerned, we're all still as good as monkeys, anyway. So no, I don't have faith that we can understand perfectly something that has no physical form whatsoever and can create a blast so powerful it could both create and destroy everything we know. Especially when I simply having trouble creating enough power to simply make a boxing-bag move.
I think you're a little naive, Ronin.
If evolution continues ("if" is implying that we'll probably destroy the world first and everything will finish), oneday you're going to look as pathetic to the future beings as banana throwing monkeys look to us today.
And yes, I don't know your age, but I'm guessing it's anywhere from 5 - 30 (having trouble chosing whether I should pay more attention to your avatar or your personality to guess your age). You think that if God did exist, you'd have managed to conjure enough wisdom in these small few years to be able to surely comment on where the fuck he came from?
I don't believe in God, Ronin. It's not because all religous folk I've met are insecure retards, it's just because the way they describe him as a concious and almost human like being seems pretty fucking childish to me. But that doesn't mean I'm naive enough to assume there's no force out there that cannot exist independant of existence.
I'm sorry... what!? All I got from that rabble is that I'm apparently naive because I don't believe in a creator.
OK... I'm naive to not believe in something that has no evidence of existence. You're real smart there Tenchu.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Better than being the one on the back foot playing hostile-defensive in every post slamming the mouse down violently with every line read...
So, first you say God must have a creator, then you say dirt could have existed forever anyway... I love your "logic"...
I guess this is just one of them things that is beyond you; yes, Ronin, I know for a fact that all things in existence today have a moment of creation where, at the moment before they were created, no other physical thing existed in which they could have been made from.
Call it a womens intuition, but I'm not naive enough to believe just because something can be recycled, that it's always been recycled. That's a cute as a belief like MissMisa had thinking the universe goes on forever...
Wow... not only were you not able to comprehend any of the points I was making.. but you got confused by them and formulated a comeback that really makes no sense whatsoever.
I mean I can see where you went wrong... at least concerning your misunderstanding of my criticism of the creationist "first cause" argument.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
t's not any old theory. It's a darn creative one. You pound a six year old between the legs every night and see what philosophy you come up with!
Is that a lame attempt at a joke? I mean it can't disguise the fact that I was right and you were wrong concerning this point.... just making sure you know that.