Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
What are you talking about? Who's got more of what shit sorted?
I'm talking about every time someone mentions something about being a man, you get all nervous in the crotch and start throwing insults. People don't do such things unless they're both insecure and feel their persona is being threatened; i.e. YOU.
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Also such morbid poetry was commonplace. Of course only the best ones became classics and worth studying.
Furthermore if you bothered to read the second link :-
No. No one bothered to read the second link, Ronin. If you sign out of your faggot site and click on it yourself, you'll understand why.
I never said trench life was dandy; I said it was just better than jungle life. There's a big difference between the WW1 vets and the Vietnam vets. One group is way more fucked up. If you can't tell which one and why, that's not my retardation.
All wars recently have been like this. The guys fighting them just wern't born into that kind of world anymore, so they cannot handle it.