Originally Posted by NanteNa
Miyavifan@ Wookie's voice really is cool. He can hit the higher notes like no other (except for my YeSungie<3)...
Oh, and yes. Kangin is at 1:29 ^^v I can't believe YeSung is not on your list. YeSung is like.. true pwnage of vocals. He always does highpitch and the more difficult transitions. He's kick-ass talented.
Oh.. and who don't you like? O_O Heechul or?
yup, it is....
*is so happy I claimed him*
I haven't yet figured out Yesung's voice.
hah... least I got his voice figured out. I won't say I like it more than my Ryeowook's.... but he's got a really good voice. (I really need my own nickname for Rye)
who is this question, about Heechul for? Yinnie, or someone else?