Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Ummm what? The Greeks are known for taking slaves and sacking cities in Persia during Alexander the Great's trip East. The city of Tyre for example...
The taking of slaves amongst the Romans was common too if I remember correctly. The most famous "war crime" of the time was committed by the Romans when they "salted the Earth" (they literally spread salt over all the fertile land.. and it's where this saying comes from) of Carthage so that crops could no longer be grown in or around the city and took most of the city as slaves. It's described as one of the most spiteful and disgusting atrocities committed in the Ancient world!!! (During the rise of Rome, Rome and Carthage were like two superpowers of the ancient world... a power struggle that the Romans eventually won).
I don't know anything about the Crusades or China... though the reputation of the Crusaders is not a favourable one. After all they sought to spread Christianity via the sword.
I told you you'd try and pull BS up to make me seem wrong. Good job, Ronin.
Overall, however, I think all the Armies mentioned above are far better than todays. Especially Alexander; a man who clearly wanted war, not hate.
Today, no one in the Army cares about sparing children or innocent people. They're all just selfish, and would rather a million others suffer than they break a single nail.