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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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08-19-2009, 07:01 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
So, would you mind sharing where you are living in Japan and what you don't like about it?

As for the family, I'll bet they are very strict, very cautious, and very concerned for your safety and well-being... that is typical of Japanese host parents, because they tend to take the responsibility VERY seriously... You won't be allowed to stay out late, drink, smoke, party, or just go somewhere all day or all weekend without supervision, even if you are old enough to do so in your home country. Am I right?
Whatever the circumstances of his situation the OP's advice is sound at least.

Concerning the family... homestaying is always a bit of a risk. I mean I've heard about more good experiences than bad ones but you should be ready and have a plan in case things not work out.
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