My question is I wonder if the Japanese consumers who regularly buy or eat dolphin/whale meat know about the mercury content? (the cause of Minamata disease) As I said before when I was there on exchange it seemed that most people thought it was healthy for you, but my experience was limited. I know people are always trying to be healthy so if they knew I wonder if there would even be a huge market for it.
If these fishermen who sell the meat are trying to hide these facts from the consumers in order to make money I think it is very wrong. This will probably be the main thing that could stop the slaughter of Whales and Dolphins if only people knew.
Since the movie "the cove" will not be shown in Japan, how will people find out about it? What can someone, like me from North America do to give the right facts to the Japanese so they can make up their own minds about the issue? I just want to be able to help and make a difference but I feel I cannot because I don't live in Japan