Originally Posted by samurai007
So, would you mind sharing where you are living in Japan and what you don't like about it?
As for the family, I'll bet they are very strict, very cautious, and very concerned for your safety and well-being... that is typical of Japanese host parents, because they tend to take the responsibility VERY seriously... You won't be allowed to stay out late, drink, smoke, party, or just go somewhere all day or all weekend without supervision, even if you are old enough to do so in your home country. Am I right?
Sorry I thought I'd said a lot and risked creating a tl;dr-wall.
I've been living in Iizuka city in Fukuoka prefecture. It was actually a total mistake on my part that I came here. I asked the homestay organisation to look for a family in
Fukuoka because I thought this would just mean the city, and I thought that my friend lived there too. I knew about prefectures I just wasn't specific. But it turned out they sent me to a different city in the area, way away from my friend.
I also found out that Japanese cities are not like English cities. Iizuka is pretty rural, with few of the ammenities you could expect if you live in a city in the US or UK. My main hobbies at home are doing pretty much everything on the internet and doing things with my friends, both of which were totally impossible in Iizuka.
Oh also my family is a bit different from perhaps what you're picturing, samurai. The wife works weekdays and doesnt have a spare key, or want me to stay inside, so I have to be out all day. I just give odd English lessons in the evening so I usually had nothing to do until I discovered things.
The classes have been fun but they've made it difficult as well because I now have to wait until I complete my obligation to do them before I can leave the area.
I could groan on for ages about how everything was awful but basicly I just wanted to say to people: plan your trip thoroughly, dont leave much to chance because it's a tricky situation to pull out of.
To be honest, if I had gone to Fukuoka city and lived with a more relaxed family I would probably have been having a better time. But still I think I came with insufficient preparation because of my naivety.
If you wanna know more specific stuff just ask.
Oh I'm moving into a hostel in the city on the 25th, so don't worry about me or anything lol.