Definitely a one sided view here.
I found some hated it, other's didn't, some can crack it, other's cannot.
I knew a few that had to egt out after a year, I stayed six and it took me two to crack it. After that, it was all plain sailing and a lot of fun.
A lot of feelings can be brought on by one's own personality. An outgoing personality in Japan as a foreigner will make you popular. A sensitive and serious person will have problem's, although I have know some insecure and un-popular types that fitted in well.
As Ronin says, homestay is a gamble in any country and I have know many a student and working holiday visa makes in Australia who have both loved and hated homestay families.
You really have to have an EXTREMELY open mind to live in Japan and don't take things to personally.
It is a difficult place to live, but that open mind and positive attitude will work wonders.
I lived in a suburb of Kyoto city named Fushimi Momoyama. It was a very proud resident type of place and people were not friendly to say the least.
As the years went on, I was recognized, not only for my good looks
, but also for my honesty which started to make me sorta famous in the suburb. It became a lot of fun.