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Ryang7 (Offline)
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Posts: 7
Join Date: Aug 2009
Visiting Tokyo late September, anyone else going? - 08-21-2009, 03:18 AM

So I got really excited to go to Japan and I have my locations pretty hammered out, but I'm depending on my parents to fund the trip (I'll start working as soon as I return to California).

...And I was really excited and telling all my friends, and 5 minutes ago my mother just revealed to me that shes worried and all that nonsense and pretty much all my plans are being de-railed. I'm being told that it will be okay if I can find people to meet up with although I think its pretty likely that I will be told "no" no matter what...

Okay enough ranting, sorry.

Would anyone like to meet up in Tokyo sometime between September 23rd and October 2nd? I have 10 days there, a list of places to visit, and nothing written in stone. I'm a Californian of Chinese ancestry, male, early twenties, English is my primary language, and I speak very very little Japanese. Oh, and I'll most likely be staying in either a hostel or cheap hotel on the outskirts of Tokyo.
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