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Natsuhito (Offline)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Minnesota, United States
08-22-2009, 12:37 AM

I typically dress very male (as I am male), but I don't really like it. I have worn some womens' clothing to see how it fits, and I must say I like the way that womens' pants and shirts fit me.

I am in the process of redefining my style and deciding what I want to wear on a day-to-day basis. I am thinking of subtly mixing and matching clothes from both genders so I end up wearing what is most comfortable to me and what best expresses myself as a person.

Naturally, at work I will have to wear male clothes. Doing otherwise would probably raise eyebrows and disturb my clients!

Oh, I am redefining my style because I have abided to fashion norms for too long. I want to dress in a manner I like, not a manner that is necessarily conventional. I need a new wardrobe!

(I know this is not considered cross-dressing, but I wanted to share.)

~Seikima-II Albums Owned: 12; Needed: 11
~Seikima-II Singles Owned: 26; Needed: 1
--Does anyone have 'Big Time Surrender'?


Last edited by Natsuhito : 08-22-2009 at 12:38 AM. Reason: Added an additional note
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