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(#6 (permalink))
darksyndrem (Offline)
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08-22-2009, 01:14 AM

Reading your post in the cross-dressing thread, and seeing that you also find American fashion boring.....I would go with making your own clothes...not necessarily sewing them out of bought fabric (although if you have a way of learning to sew, I would definately try to), but simply taking the boring American look, and using other things to make it look AWESOME. It's very original, sometimes it works out great other times it won't......example, I like to screw with blank white t-shirts....cut them up, paint them, dye them (if you can get the materials)....I mean's a ton of fun, and a great chance to bring out some great creativity!!!
I certainly enjoy it, and I'm trying to get my friend to teach me how to sew soon (I want to get wear I am an independent clother(?))....also, if you can find good sizes you like, girl's jeans rock....they have MUCH better girl's jeans, and much more variety than guy's pants (imo)....for shoes, well, I couldn't really help you out there, I'm sure you could find a tutorial online for making your own geta's though
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