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(#16 (permalink))
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Googlyguy (Offline)
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08-23-2009, 04:41 AM

This brings back the memories of when I was a kid, and there was a spider in the bathrub. I used to scream and yell and run for my mom, and she would just walk in there, pick it up and throw it out XD Nowadays, to me, they're just kinda there. I dont like touching them but I honestly dont even notice them, Much less care. Though occasionally I do see those cute ones sitting, waiting in the middle of their webs and I can't help but stop and watch em for a few minutes I remember once I saw a.. Ugh, what are those things called :P Those small black ones with the red hourglass on their abdomens, I didnt really even think anything, though I dont even know if I had realized that it could kill me from a little bite XD I was young, so dont blame me :P

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