Originally Posted by Megabyte117
Concerning the actual topic, I've discussed this with my calligraphy teacher, and she said Japan is more of a spiritual nation and there are very few belonging to an organized religion such as Christianity. Apparently the Christmas the Japanese celebrate is more materialistic than in other countries (although it is fast becoming this in America  ), mostly the presents not so much Jesus Christ.
I would say Japan is a very spiritual nation and Japanese culture interacts with "higher powers" much more often than people realize...even Japanese people. Just because people aren't always strictly attached to one single religion (say Buddhism or Christianity) doesn't mean they aren't spiritual.
In regards to Christmas, I think the American Chistmas is much more "materialistic" than in Japan. Christmas in Japan is essentially a romantic couples holiday. Married folks and children don't do much on Christmas, though I have heard Santa Claus stops there now. Christmas has always been a commercial holiday and never been about Jesus.