Originally Posted by IamKira
I guess your right.But I live in very small town and "southern hospitality" sometimes can be total bull crap.I don't like liveing in a small town because everyone is up everybodys butt gosping about each other and no privacy.Most people here are only out there for themselves and dosen't really care about others.I really like to be in a big city where at if they are rude to me a least they don't know my name.
But I kinda blame this genaration on television.Some of our youth have been raised on it and are easyly influinced by the way people act so therefore they act that way.Or it could be the parents fault for not bothering to teach thier kids manners and how too treat others with respect.Im just going out a limb here so don't jump one me about this please.But ya know nobody perfect. ._.