Originally Posted by forgotenmemory
I mean, I'm a teen (freshman), but I don't think I'm as rude as others. People just annoy me with how they act towards others and towards teachers. Like a few days ago, in art class, our teacher made us stand up and say our name and to say one thing that we like about art. And entire table said they didn't like art in such a rude way. I mean, who doesn't like one aspect about art?
I think it has something to do with family values and the disolving of the family home, Dad works, Mum looks after the kids and lunches with friends during the week, and the whole family camoes together on Staurday and Sunday for a picnic or/and friends over in the garden for a BBQ while the kids play under the hose.
In Japan, it seems to be a reliance on the oldies money stash, which pulls the teenagers away from having a sense of responsibility.
As the genrations fold, more and more parents become dysfunctional, divorce becomes the "norm", women have wanted to become men and this has happened, they want to fight, prove themselves and win, more and more women are committing domestic violence against the male and female partenr, and socities in our world are being dictated by governments.
The fact is, nobody really gives a stuff about other's family values, only their own.
Countries lose their culture, Thailand is a good example.
Japan appears totally fooked up!
How many Father's get turned on taking their daughter's on dates