08-25-2009, 03:05 AM
You will most likely find it very difficult because most Japanese people don't understand what being a vegetarian is let alone a vegan. The idea that meat is murder is a very foreign concept here. There are lots of food that is not meat but there will be times when you are munching down on a purely vegetable (advertised) dish and you'll notice the distinct taste of dead animal flesh in your mouth. You would have to be very careful what you eat, a vegetable sandwich has pork in it :P Also the country is not set up for vegetarians with very few places catering to the vegetarian market so even innocent looking dishes could easily have been cooked using animal fat or products.
A few nights ago I was watching TV and they showed images of a wild boar being shot. The women watching were so shocked and appalled then relieved when it turned out only to be a tranqualiser dart. The looks on their faces showed true emotion to this. Then.....they wheeled out the Boar all cooked and obviously smelling delicious, all their care for the animal it had been that they just had melted away as they tucked in shouting oishii at every possible moment.
Very odd attitudes to food.