08-25-2009, 04:46 AM
Teenagers today think they have such a hard life, Going to school sitting around all day just thinking. Thats not hard at all.
They only make thier lives seem hard to themselves.
I was walking down the street with my girl and we saw this little boy around I don't know 9/10. Anyways he was all yelling at his grandma about her buying him the wrong colored shirt, I mean he was swearing like a sailor. Calling her an "old bitch" etc.
Then again his father did the same thing, poor woman. Stuck in a house full of ass holes.
Then a kid on the bus got into a fight with an old guy too, he wasn't really a kid more like a teenager but he acted like a kid. He was talking about war and his life, he didn't know jack about what he was talking about. He was just repeating the dumbass he got his information from. An older guy didn't just sit there he got up and started telling the kid the truth but the kid just sat there and glared at him. Then when the older man was leaving the bus the kid got up and spit in his hair, thats when I gave his back a little kick and he fell out of the bus and it didn't even stop for him to get back on. Haha.
Its sad really, you guys have so much potential if only you worked towards it. Instead of following others around like sheep. Doing the things they do just because someone else had done it before them.
You know alot of the convicts in the jail I work at act just like those kids, they still think there 10 years old when thier bones are cracking and thier hair is turning white. Saying that society owes them something, making up excuses after excuses.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
Last edited by Hyakushi : 08-25-2009 at 04:50 AM.