Tha callenge a poem without rhythm -
08-25-2009, 10:32 AM
hello every body'of course again'
I accept the challenge and here is the poem,
I Confess in the Dark
When the eye of heavens ceases to be(I mean the sun)
And the stars are no more crowning the skies,
When the silver moon is no more in sight
And the planets have no more balls(dancing party)
I sit in the shades and Talk so free
I can confess that I was mistaken
I was blind so I didn't see the truth
I was deaf so I didn't hear your prayers
Don't tell me it's too late ,Ican't listen anymore
In the silence and stilness of that world
I'm alone give me a candle of light so bright
Or take my hand and let me hold yours so tight
To feel safe and feel the warmth of your heart
Do you still remember my words,Do you?
I'm no more that foolish girl ,I'm looking for you my pearl
Let me say that you meant to me the air I breathe
Your voice was the music I heard every day
Don't tell me there is no hope just bitterness
I said I'm sorry forgive me
I said I was foolish pity me
I know the doors of heaven are under your feet
Just give me a hint a nod or a shke
Let me know what do you think of me
Let the sun warms your heart again
Let the stars decorate your gown
Let the moon mirrors your eternal beauty
Let the planets entertain you with their musicality
6/12/2008 at 20.40