Originally Posted by burkhartdesu
Wow, interesting, Nyororin.
I brought up this thread because when I was in Japan, one of my classmates was housed with a Mormon (or Jahova's witness, don't remember) family -- which I thought was really strange that even these sub-religions have bled into Japanese society.
In Japan, I had a very attractive Japanese lady approach me and started to chat with me in English. This was my lucky day I thought until she tried to convert me to a Jehovah Witness. I politely told her I was a minister and thanked her and left. I didn't think too much about it when I saw her walking my same direction.
On the following Sunday at 7 AM (after a late night at a club with my girlfriend) my doorbell from the lobby rang and woke us. I answered on the camera phone and saw a familiar African American lady asking me if she could talk to me about the Jehovah Witnesses. When I told her no, she said the other lady told her I might be more comfortable speaking with a fellow American. Now, the reason I knew this lady was she worked as a Hip Hop dance instructor for my girlfriend's school and was fired for being rude to the students, parents, and my girlfriend. Since she couldn't see me, she was very surprised when I told her "I know you are that horrible dance teacher who was fired from that school. I never would join a religion that would have a person like you in it." She left quickly.
The Mormon kids were very nice and helpful to others. I was never rude to them because they didn't push you.
I think lonely Japanese people will join these religions as a way to socialize more than a deep seated belief in their philosophy.