08-25-2009, 01:49 PM
The thing is, in my opinion of course, people's definitions of 'rude' are completely different. I'm from Southern USA, I have an extremely light accent and everyone down here is always waving and asking how you are or whatever.And then when you got up North everyone is all 'HMPH!' and ignores you or acts really stiff. I thought they were extremely rude until I dated a boy from the North [who'd moved to my state] and he acted just like that and I asked why he was so rude and he explained the whole 'culture' thing that's how everyone was raised basically [except for a few] and he told me coming to my state was like walking into a different culture altogether and he thought WE were rude for being so 'in your face'.
That being they're also teenagers they think they're extremely clever, but they just make themselves the jackasses of the class. Anyone acknowledging them in a positive or negative way is just going to feed them.
Your parents won't admit it but they were royal terrors in high school too I bet, so its not just this generation. My father tells me stories about what he and his friends used to do and I hear stories about my uncle and his friends all the way from breaking into the school, to setting a field on fire, to telling a cop he had beer in his car when he was underage [he wised up and now he's a big name pharmacist]. It's just high school, like I said they think they're SO clever.
♥Proud Wife of a U.S. Airman♥
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