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(#26 (permalink))
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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Meggis 5th Post - 03-27-2007, 05:32 AM

"Yen Sid." I think to myself. This name sounds familiar yet not at the same time. I rest my index finger on my chin and try to think of everything that is currently going on. Lyynn broke my thinking by approaching me and putting an old tome into my hands. I gasp when I see it, for I recognize the cover, and the markings.

"This book!" I open it and flip through the pages. These old symbols and runes I know. "Lyynn! You must lend this book to me over night. I think I can decipher it. The underground chamber I was trying to find is Ansem's Study, and I think this can help." I feel like a little kid on their birthday. I get embarrassed so I cough to change things. I rest the book on the night stand by Lyynn's bed. "The Door to Darkness. I think to myself. The Keyblade War and the Keyblades themselves. Maybe I shouldn't worry about such details that I barely know about....A Divine Key she says? She can unlock hidden things?" I dive into my mind and go into a sort of a daze for a moment thinking of everything. My keyblade doesn't have any divine powers. It can only manipulate and control the element water. I look out the little window in the room from where I am standing. It is pitch black still late at night. Lanterns shine brightly.

"Well Lyynn perhaps I should let you rest. The innkeeper prepares breakfast at 9am. Come down if you want. I'll be there." I wave a bye with my left hand and turn to face the door. Before I leave I pause look at the book again that I placed down. "Will see let me use it?"
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