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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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08-25-2009, 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Before blonde jokes were blonde jokes, they were Pollack jokes. It was probably from a very old stereotype that doesn't even exist anymore (in the US...except apparently in Chicago.)
There are books compiling lists of "Pollock Jokes" in Texas, but they are usually sold at swap meets and antique car clubs, where basically everyone there is at least retirement age. I've seen such books in my grandparents' house, but they are German and grew up speaking German, so they are actually familiar with Polish people (and likely Polish stereotypes).

You shouldn't be offended, SeeD. Polish people are treated just like any other white person in the US nowadays. There are Irish jokes up the wazoo, but Irish people tend not to be offended, and frequently participate in retellings.

A Hiberno-scots-aleman-anglo-franco-saxon
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