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Kenpachi11 (Offline)
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08-26-2009, 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by yuujirou View Post
So, upon one very late and sleepless night, I finally signed myself up for the Scholastic Assessment Thingy; a full year and a half after I graduated high school. It was a rather spontaneous decision, on my part, void of any comprehensible logic beyond the fact that I was merely bored out of my bloody mind at that moment. So anyway~ judging by my personal comprehension of Scholastic related material, I guestimate (lOl) that I'll probably score anywhere between 1500-1900. Admittedly, it's not a very high score, and at current (after the thought considerations) I have absolutely no intention of studying for it because I am wondering exactly how I'll do with no preparation what so ever =P

In any case~ Just to make a point out of all this~ firstly, to those who have taken the Scholastic Assessment Thing-a-ma-bob, how did you score? Compared to how well you expected your score to be? Your personal opinions as to how accurate of an assessment it is to your scholarly knowledge?

Secondly, to those that aspire to take the Scholastic Assessment Thing-a-ma-jig, are you currently preparing for it? Do you have any expectations of what your score might be? If so~ please relate any and all relevant information into this thread so that it might survive past a couple pages or so =P

Hmm... I think I might actually go to college after this thing is over xDD

OH and btw, my test is supposed to be on the 10th of Oct. o.o'


ACT = Fail =P
but if you have intentions of taking that one....
by all means >.>''' if anyone cares....
relate that.... if anyone cares
im a senior and i havent took my SAT yet...i will take it this year tho.

From the sky, To the ground
Rain is falling all around
Thunder rain and wind
A song of storms begins

Play a song, A melody
Then everybody will see
The hero of time
Has come
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