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08-26-2009, 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by Zagato289 View Post
Sony does have a solution for people who want to play old games, and guess what it is? that's right, the beautiful PS2. For your information, the PS3 can also play PS1 game disk. Trust me, if Sony knew that people want it to play classics only, they wouldn't had wasted money to make a PS3. People want it a new console with HD graphics and that's what Sony gave them. The only ones whining for BC are idiots that dont understand.

Yes, the old PS3 was like 700$, and that didnt help Sony alot. People want it a cheaper console, so Sony had to remove unnecessary features that cost alot to manufacture, so they can lower the price of the PS3. By readind your comments, I see that you dont understand, or maybe you just dont want to, and if thats the case I wont bother arguing with you anymore. If you care, read the links that I posted and do some research. See ya.
LOL, so Sony suggest to not buy a PS3 for BC and a PS2? How does that makes sense? Not sure who's the idiot here.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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