Originally Posted by Lamb
I think kids today may just be growing up too fast  . I mean there is 14 year olds that are getting knocked up.14! I certainly wasn't that concered about sex or whatnot back then.
What a coincidence! I was and still am dealing with some 15 year old girl who writes on a public site about all these guys including my sister's boyfriend at the time she has garage sex with calling her occupation "slut". Ugh, I feel disgusted just thinking about her.
Originally Posted by bELyVIS
All spanking became bad and you were to treat your children like little adults. We were spanked if we were rude to anyone especially the adults. Now, these first generations of these non disciplined kids have their own children are teaching them to be rude in a cycle that I cannot see ever ending in the future. Sad. 
Originally Posted by Lamb
Yeah thats true.But I think the reason that is becuase people take it to far.....Now people are so scared of abuse.Now you can't even threaten to spank your child.But I respect peoples wishes on the way of diciplinein thier child.But if you want a child to behave and act human you have to at least do something.
To the two above : Pish-posh. I was spanked growing up only a couple times and that threw me into shape. One though I really did not deserve. >.>
There's a difference between spanking and abuse. If you're going to get a swat or few on the butt then you, child, have been spanked.
There's a huge difference between that and being beat.
I see people are scared, though. There was a 7 year old who took a car out, drove it around and the grandma said she'd spank him if she didn't have the threat of being thrown into jail.