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(#31 (permalink))
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Rikku777 (Offline)
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03-27-2007, 07:28 AM

(OOC: mine too!) ^_^

Breakfast was good, filling and nourishing. I was glad when he suggested a walk, I wanted to get outside again. We finished and walked through town in silence, coming to a wide hall, and what looked like the towns gate defense."Maybe we can find that underground study I was thinking of," Meggis said quietly when suddenly people pushed past us screaming. Meggis drew his keyblade, and said something about staying back, but I only heard that much. I stared in horror and awe at these strange black creatures, taking them in. These were the dreaded creatures that were a part of these keyblade? Part of this mysterious war? I looked at my keyblade, wanting to try useing it, but afraid at the same time. Maybe I was not the one to wield it, maybe fate had the wrong person...or... I shook my head, there was no or. I looked over at Meggis again, he seemed to be having no problem getting rid of them. I looked over to my left, and run to the opening in the wall. My breath left me, a large building, or tower, stood out across the barren landscape. It was erect, yet seemed to be crumbling. I heard Meggis yell my name, and my body acted on it's own, everything seeming to move in fast motion. I grabbed my keyblade and spun around, sliceing through a heartless. I stared at my keyblade and looked up and Meggis. He spun again, battleing more, as they seemed to be attracted to his keyblade. I looked out the opening and over to the left. A small doorless opening, a bit further down. I looked over at Meggis, his back was to me, still battleing, clearly having the upper hand. "Maybe we can find that underground study I was thinking of," his words rang in my head. Maybe I could help, in exchange for what he had done for me. I quietly hopped onto the ledge, and jumped down to the small platform beneath me. walking down a spiral ramp, I came to a large circular platform, and...there. There was the opening. It was bigger looking up close, and I ran stepped through it, surprised when my keyblade let off a soft glow, lighting the way. I held it up toward the ceiling, lightbulbs, but they were broken. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to plunge into the maze-like darkness, the words in a book flashing through my mind, 'If you are ever in a maze, keep your hand on a wall all the way through, and it will eventually lead to the exit.' I places my hand on the wall, looking into the twisting rooms ahead.

Last edited by Rikku777 : 03-27-2007 at 07:32 AM.
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